Everything is changing right now for equality rights: politically and culturally, the country is shifting in favor of equality. For the LGBT community, that means a surge in support for things like same-sex marriage and anti-discrimination bills. For women, a time when pay is equal to that of men and when sexism isn’t acceptable under any circumstances is getting nearer. For minorities, the practice of being treated differently because of skin color or religious beliefs is slowly being snuffed out.
We still have a long way to go, but we’re optimistic about the future–and we’ll never give up.
We like to celebrate and highlight individuals who are making a real difference today in the US and around the world, and we hope this part of our site only continues to grow as more people step up to fight for equality. Check out who is taking a stand for equality:
- Allison Moon, progressive feminist, sex educator, author of Girl Sex 101
- American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER)
- Anderson Cooper, news anchor
- Anne Hathaway, actress
- Annise Parker, politician
- Ashley Kolodner, photographer
- Bianna Golodryga, journalist
- Carmen Esposito, stand-up comedian
- Chad Griffin, head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, feminist, author, gender rights advocate
- Christine Quinn, politician
- Dan Savage, columnist & co-founder of the It Gets Better project
- Lt. Daniel Choi, military man and activist
- Dustin Lance Black, screenwriter
- Ellen Degeneres, comedian
- Equality House, symbol of love, equality, and peaceful protest
- Full Sail Brewing, employee-owned, women-empowering beer company
- Henry Kravis, businessman
- Hillary Rodham Clinton, politician
- Hollaback, nonprofit social activism group
- Isabel Chen, co-creator of “Keep Safe”
- Janet Mock, public figure, transgender rights activist, author of Redefining Realness
- Jennifer Levi, law professor & author
- John Rhea, public housing head
- Keith Boykin, politician & author
- Ken Mehlman, politician & businessman
- Lady Gaga, singer
- Laverne Cox, actress, transgender rights activist, & “possibility model”
- Macklemore, rapper
- Malala Yousafzai, women’s rights activist
- Margarita Lopez, activist
- Pedro Almodovar, writer & director
- Rachel Maddow, TV personality
- Rainbow Bracelet Project, LGBT equality group
- Sacha Baron Cohen, actor & comedian
- Sir Patrick Stewart, acclaimed actor and women’s rights advocate
- Valerie Aurora, co-founder of The Ada Initiative
- Women of the Wall, Jewish Orthodox females fighting for equal treatment
- Women’s Sporting Rule: Kathy Carter, Sage Steele, and Charlotte Jones Anderson