Religious Schools Shouldn’t be Allowed to Discriminate

Religious Schools Shouldn’t be Allowed to Discriminate

Religious schools in Australia may soon be stopped from punishing students for their sexuality or gender identity. Scott Morrison, the Australian Prime Minster, is fairly right-wing, so it came as a surprise when he promised last Thursday to stop faith-based schools...
Conversion Therapy Banned in Canada, For Some

Conversion Therapy Banned in Canada, For Some

Conversion therapy without full consent has been banned in Canada, after a unanimous vote in the House of Commons. So called ‘conversion therapy’ is a suite of practices meant to “cure” someone of same-sex attraction or gender nonconformity. Worldwide,...
MTV Taking the Stage for LGBT Rights in Hungary

MTV Taking the Stage for LGBT Rights in Hungary

MTV is taking a stand for gay rights in Hungary, according to CEO Chris McCarthy. Back in 2019, MTV brokered a deal to hold its 2021 Europe Music Awards in Hungary. The long lead time is not usual; these things take a considerable amount of time to plan and execute....