by Beth Holmes | Mar 20, 2023 | Civil Rights, Gay and Lesbian, Homophobia, Human Rights, International, LGBT community, News, Politics, Power LGBT, Queer Community, Religion, Sexuality, Transgender
Uganda has another anti-LGBT bill in the works, despite same-sex relations already being heavily illegal in the conservative East African nation. In 2014, Ugandan lawmakers, under the urging of a few American lobbyists, passed a bill that imposed life imprisonment as...
by Beth Holmes | Aug 8, 2022 | Civil Rights, Health, Human Rights, Politics, Religion, Women's Rights
Idaho’s abortion law conflicts with federal law guaranteeing pregnant people with full care, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday by the Justice Department. Idaho’s abortion law was already on the books when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade....
by Beth Holmes | Apr 19, 2021 | Civil Rights, Equality, Gay and Lesbian, Gender, Homophobia, Human Rights, International, LGBT community, News, Politics, Power LGBT, Transgender
Back in July 2020, voters in anti-LGBT Russia passed a measure to amend the country’s constitution to redefine marriage and parenthood as a union between a “biological” man and woman. The measure passed with nearly 80 percent of voters in support, after years of...
by admin | Nov 20, 2020 | LGBTQIA+, Politics, Power LGBT
During all of the uncertainty of 2020, political parties in several Eastern European countries worked hard to make some people’s lives more difficult. Laws were passed banning same-sex couples from adopting kids, and teachers from the topic of LGBT history in...
by admin | Jul 29, 2020 | Gay and Lesbian, Homophobia, Human Rights, LGBTQIA+, News, Politics, Power LGBT, Sexuality
Mohamad al-Bokari fled Yemen last year after threats were made to his life over his sexuality. Yemen criminalizes consensual sexual activity, with penalties ranging from whipping and prison (if unmarried) to death (if either man is married to a woman). Unfortunately,...