An Introduction to the Aromantic Spectrum

An Introduction to the Aromantic Spectrum

Thanks to LGBT awareness campaigns, most everyone understands what it means to be gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender. Yet, there are many other sexual orientations that aren’t as well understood. In this article, we explore the aromantic spectrum and what it...
The Importance of Sex Positive Education

The Importance of Sex Positive Education

Rising numbers of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents has sparked a controversial debate over sex education. Conservatives have used the alarming figures to argue in favor of abstinence-only programs; while liberals counter that the best way to reduce...
$6 Million Grant Awarded to the Trevor Project

$6 Million Grant Awarded to the Trevor Project

On November 17, the PwC Charitable Foundation presented the Trevor Project with a six million grant—marking the largest contribution ever made to the organization. The Trevor Project, which aims to reduce suicide amongst LGBTQ youth, will use the money to expand its...