Kentucky Teacher Fired After Coming Out As Bisexual

Kentucky Teacher Fired After Coming Out As Bisexual

A Kentucky teacher claims he was discriminated against after he publicly came out as bisexual on social media. Nicholas Breiner said he spent most of his life in the closet—hiding his orientation from his closest friends and family. He only decided to come out after a...
Celebrating Governor Kate Brown

Celebrating Governor Kate Brown

  Kate Brown has been the governor of Oregon since February 2015, when she stepped up after the scandal-driven resignation of former Governor John Kitzhaber. Before that, she was Secretary of State. She stepped into a political mess, and handled matters with...
For the Record: Wonder Woman is Bisexual

For the Record: Wonder Woman is Bisexual

  Wonder Woman, one of the powerhouse superheros of Detective Comics’ (DC) lineup since 1941, was created by a psychologist during WW2 to be an ideal diplomatic leader. “Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I...