The LGBTQ+ Community Has Come a Long Way

The LGBTQ+ Community Has Come a Long Way

  Often times, one can tell how successful a movement is just by looking at how aggressively its opponents keep fighting it. Throughout the U.S., there are groups and politicians who are relentlessly trying to limit the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. But those...
New Jersey Denies Fertility Treatment to Lesbians

New Jersey Denies Fertility Treatment to Lesbians

  In what can only be described as a blatant act of discrimination, two lesbian couples from New Jersey were denied medical coverage for fertility treatments. Erin and Marianne Krupa’s medical provider, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield, cited a 2001 state insurance...
The Decriminalization of Homosexuality in the U.K.

The Decriminalization of Homosexuality in the U.K.

  The road to acceptance for LGBTQ+ people has been a long one, and the community still hasn’t reached the end of that road either. But there are a lot of landmarks along the road that are worth remembering. Many of those landmarks relate to gay men, who were...
Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project

Just Me and Allah: A Queer Muslim Photo Project

Photo projects are a staple of the Internet as we know it today. From Humans of New York to Cake Wrecks to PostSecret, they’re a part of how art interacts with us every day. They create communities around themselves and reach out into every kind of social media....

Internet Access Should be a Human Right

While it may seem totally revolutionary, the Internet is doing what media has always done. Like the printing press before it, the Internet makes information easier to store, access, and own. It’s just an upgraded version of books and newspapers, really. But that idea...