Mural of Two Men Holding Hands Stirs Up Controversy

Mural of Two Men Holding Hands Stirs Up Controversy

  There is a great deal of art in the world that depicts gay relationships in the world. If you squint. If you already know the symbology. If you ignore the woman painted between them. If you translate this glance in exactly this way, if you read this passage...
Giant LGBT Political Poem Posted at NYC High Line

Giant LGBT Political Poem Posted at NYC High Line

  I want a president was written for a queer magazine in 1992 when Bill Clinton was running against the first George Bush and Ross Perot. But it still rings the same bells today, with another Clinton in the race for the same seat and the political circus act...

True Transgeder Stories Are Waiting To Be Told

With The Danish Girl opening across the country this Christmas, we’re going to hear people saying ‘There, you’ve had your trans movie, be happy.’ But there are so many more trans people whose lives would make amazing movies. Imagine the...