AFER LogoWho is behind the Hollingsworth v. Perry case that recently challenged Proposition 8?  The bipartisan coalition and foundation: AFER.

The American Foundation for Equal Rights was the sole supporter of the case and sued the state of California, arguing that they had violated the 14th Amendment in the passing of the proposition. The foundation is unique because it works with people on both sides of the spectrum, from President Bruce Cohen to board members Chad Griffin of the HRC and Ken Mehlman of Project Right Side.

“This emerging group of donors is not quite like any other fund-raising network that has supported gay-related issues over the past 40 years. They come from Hollywood, yes, but also from Wall Street and Washington and the corporate world; there are Republicans as well as Democrats; and perhaps most strikingly, longtime gay organizers said, there has been an influx of contributions from straight donors unlike anything they have seen before.”

Read the full profile here.