by admin | Feb 12, 2016 | Equality, LGBTQIA+
The Tempe Tourism Office has won the first-ever award of its kind from Pride Guide, a local LGBT publication, for highlighting Arizona’s LGBT-friendly businesses. The state has been working to become a more LGBT-friendly tourist destination. In a state that has...
by admin | Sep 30, 2015 | LGBTQIA+, News
Quite a lot, legally speaking, as both issues are often subject to the scorn of parties who wish to deny them rights. Before now, federal courts upheld legislation that companies who wished to deny employees birth control under the umbrella of “religious objection”...
by admin | Sep 17, 2015 | Equality, LGBTQIA+, News
Though people around the country are arguing that Kim Davis, the Kentucky law clerk recently jailed (and released) for refusing to issue same-sex marriages in Rowan County, is practicing civil disobedience, that term does not accurately describe what Davis has done....
by admin | Sep 11, 2015 | Equality, LGBTQIA+
A Kentucky county clerk was jailed last week for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses and now her attorneys are asking that she be released from jail while her appeal is pending. Two gay couples and two straight couples have sued her and Davis still refused to...
by admin | Aug 29, 2015 | LGBTQIA+, News
The CEO of a massive convention for gamers, Gen Con, threatened to leave Indiana earlier this year over religious objections law that said organizers were “shopping the show” to other cities and could relocate if lawmakers do not expand their protections for gays and...