Leaders to an Equal World: Human Rights Campaign

Leaders to an Equal World: Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign is one of the most well-known social activist groups in the country.  Their logo, the equal sign, is plastered on cars, Facebook pages and everything, really.  It has even shown up on backpacks of trekkers in Nepal. What that means is that...

How to Be a Better LGBT Ally

Many people fill up their New Year’s resolutions list with the same resolutions every year. While some of those may be self-focused, others make the resolution to help others more through volunteerism. This goes out to those reading who believe in the LGBT movement’s...

Documentary Tells LGBT Homeless Youths’ Tales

Forty percent of the homeless population is made up of LGBT youth. Forty percent of over a half a million people is far too many. LGBT youth already face serious disadvantages growing up in America, and those that are homeless find daily life even more difficult....