by admin | Jun 16, 2016 | Gender, LGBTQIA+, Transgender
Many people have a difficult time understanding how gender inequality works. If you don’t experience this issue personally or through the experience of family or friend you may find it hard to understand. Men often disregard the experiences of women because they can’t...
by admin | Mar 18, 2016 | Equality, Opinion, Sexuality
Most of the advice that get thrown at asexual people runs the gamut from well-meaning but oblivious to contemptuous. Most of it is well-meaning. People are just confused by the idea because of our cultural ignorance. Modern positivity has been teaching us that...
by admin | Feb 10, 2016 | LGBTQIA+, News
The Oak Lawn neighborhood in Dallas, Texas, is host to a strip of nightclubs and gay bars and is usually a decent area as far as strips go. But in the last four months, more than a dozen gay men have been assaulted and robbed. So far, the police are working on the...
by admin | Dec 12, 2015 | Equality, Human Rights, LGBTQIA+
Hazim Ismail came from Malaysia to Canada to attend the University of Winnipeg. He’s passionate about his psychology studies, and very much wants to complete his degree, like most students. But this student has more than the average obstacle course to...
by admin | Sep 2, 2015 | Power LGBT
Hilary Rodham Clinton offered moral support to a distraught gay youth who shared his anxiety about his future in a viral photograph that was posted on the Humans of New York Facebook page. The boy who is not named in the photo is shown frowning and holding his head in...