ABC’s hugely successful fairy tale drama series “Once Upon a Time” executive producers have revealed to Entertainment Weekly this week that there will be an LGBT relationship coming to the new season of the show.

Executive producers of the show Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz made the announcement at a screening of the series premiere late last week. Season five of the show is set to release in less than a week after a four-month hiatus on Sunday September 27th at 8pm PST.

The relationships sounds like it’s between Mulan, played by Jamie Chung, and Aurora, played by Sarah Bolger, upon Mulan’s return, but the producers have been very vague about it when discussing in interviews.

Whoever the couple ends up being, it will be the first LGBT relationship explored on the “Once Upon a Time.” “We know that that community has been big supporters of the show, and we would love to tell a love story that reflects that,” Kitsis said.

“We want the show to reflect the world as it is now. Whether that’s going to be with any particular character we’re not going to say. It’s something we want to do this year, and it’s something we think is due and important to do on the show because it’s the world we live in,” Horowitz elaborated.

The executive producers also acknowledged that the LGBT community has been huge supporters of the show and they want to show a love story that reflects that.