Watch prime time television today and you’re likely to find some LGBT characters in them. As the LGBT movement becomes more mainstream, we’re beginning to see more characters on TV and in movies that identify as LGBT. One of key arguments of anti-LGBT activists is that same-sex parents put traditional family values at risk. So naturally, one of our favorite things to see is parents on TV who are LGBT.

  1. Rachel’s Two Dads, Glee: One of the central characters to the show, Rachel Berry was adopted and raised by her two gay dads, played by none other than Jeff Goldblum and Brian Stokes Mitchell.
  2. Quagmire’s Dad, Family Guy: Quagmire’s dad is transgender and goes through gender reassignment to become “Ida.” The show shows Ida as she struggles to gain acceptance as the person she is inside.
  3. Blair’s Dad, Gossip Girl: Blair is the star socialite of Gossip Girl. Her parents divorced when she was younger and her dad realized he was gay. For the duration of the show, he’s married to ex-model Roman and pops in now and then to check up on his daughter.
  4. Charlie and Alan’s Mom, Two and a Half Men: Long alluded to as a bisexual character, Evelyn Harper has had many marriages, affairs, and lovers of all types. She’s comfortable with her sexuality and doesn’t limit herself one gender over another.
  5. Dr. Cooper’s Moms, Nurse Jackie: On the show, Dr. Fitch Cooper attended an Ivy League school before becoming a physician. He was also raised by two moms, who are currently portrayed by Swoosie Kurtz and Judith Light (Blythe Danner previously held Light’s role).