PFLAG has acted as a support network for the LGBT community for over 40 years. This non-profit organization focuses on support, education, and advocacy with the vision of a world in which people can live without fear, regardless of their or their families’ gender or sexual orientation.
PFLAG has over 200,000 members across the U.S. in 350 local affiliates, and as a grassroots organization, they believe that real change can only occur locally. Beyond their local work PFLAG advocates on a number of issues that nationally influence the LGBT community, such as marriage equality, non-discrimination in the workplace, military rights, and the prevention of hate crimes.
As an organization, PFLAG sends an essential message: the LGBT community extends far beyond just the people whose rights are being withheld. Hundreds of thousands of people – gay or straight – believe in equality, and they are willing to fight for their loved ones.
Find your local affiliate here.